Our team

We officially started in 2024. We are different because:

  1. we use our pedagogical background in all our projecs and we focus on knowledge transfer towards our clients
  2. we focus on flexibility, quality and tailormade solutions as the basic principles in our approach
  3. we have +25 years of experience in our focus domains within the government, the sports sector and community life
  4. we operate fully independent (without holding structure) so our cost structure is very low
  5. we only work together on demand with experts from our network so we can offer our services at a very competitve price.

We'd like to get in contact with you !

Hans Ponnet - Martine Donckers

Hans Ponnet (50)


Hans Ponnet has a passion for digitalisation and data in all its perspectives. Hans wants to offer knowledge, insights and efficiency to the clients. 

Hans has a pedagogical background which he uses to make every project understandable for the management, the operational decision-makers and the data managers.

Besides managing Spot On Digital, Hans focuses on extracting data from all kind of applications; connecting that data in a central datamodel/datastore; building dashboards (sales, communication, HR, sport, marketing, ...); project management; testing applications that generate data; high performance data cleaning; screening the digital maturity of employees and following-up with digital learning pathways; ... Hans analyses tha way data is collected and reported to make this faster, smarter, more efficient. Hans uses Microsoft-solutions like PowerBI, PowerApps, PowerAutomate. 

Hans has more than 25 years of experience with data, data analyses and data visualisation in the academic world and government (Sport Vlaanderen). Hans has given hundreds of presentations related to data and digitalisation for the European Commission, European member states, (inter)national conferences, other government agencies (Flemish, Walloon), sector organisations, Microsoft, ... Would you lik to hire Hans for an inspiring presentation on digital transformation, digital literacy, the importance of data for an organisation, possibilities you have with dashboards and data-visualisation, ..., feel free to ask for an intake meeting.

Throughout his career, Hans was the project manager in a lot of digital projects, including the VOTAS-database of the Flemish School for Coach Education (see: www.sport.vlaanderen/vlaamse-trainersschool/), Sports database (see: www.sport.vlaanderen/sporten-in-mijn-omgeving/vind-je-sportclub/), Datawarehouse/Knowledge platform of Sport Vlaanderen (see: www.sport.vlaanderen/kennisplatform/), the VTS and Sport Vlaanderen app (see store of Apple and Google Play store), conducting all kinds of surveys in the sports sector (big sports club survey, quality control-instruments, ...) ...

Martine Donckers (51)


Martine Donckers has a passion for financial and accountancy data and processes.

Martine can visualise financial and accountancy data in a pedagogical and insightful way for her clients. She is also anle to explain the insights so clients learn from it and are able to become more efficient and reduce costs and time.

Martine has more than 30 years of experience by doing the accountancy for 15 non-profit and profit organisations in her free time. Professionally, she has done audits of the accounts of dozens of sport federations and has guided them in optimising their financial and accounting processes. As a result, she has lots of experience with most accounting software is use throughout the sector. The last years, Martine specialised in advanced reporting possibilities on financial and accounting processes and she became passionate to transform these data into insightful dashboards for board meetings, management, financial decision-makers, etc. 

Within Spot On Digital, Martine mainly focuses on data extraction from all kinds of financial and accounting applications and she connects these data in a central datamodel and datastore. Within this domain, Martine builds dashboards; uses high-performance performance data cleaning; ... Martine will take care that accountancy insights are reported faster, smarter and more efficient. Martine uses Microsoft-applications like Excel, PowerBI, PowerApps, PowerAutomate.

External experts and advisors


Throughout the years, Hans en Martine created a vast network of contacts and experts in the world of digitalisation.

For our solutions, we work together with different experts when it is needed. We do not have permanent consultants on our payroll so we can keep our costs low and so that we can offer budget-friendly solutions to our customers.